Farewell 2024, It’s a Wrap!
As we say goodbye to 2024, our team is looking back at some fun stats, top pattern favorites, and behind the scenes facts we’d love to share. Enjoy our reflection on yet another stellar year.

Your Favorite Patterns
From organically flowing designs, to classic grids, to textural and tonal beauties, these show stoppers flanked the top charts for our Aviation Interior Designer’s projects in 2024.
(Left to right from top):

In 2024, We Tufted….

That’s Enough to Fully Carpet a Football Field 9 Times.
That’s a lot of Carpet!

Over the year, we shipped our carpets to 20 different countries…

That’s about 14 times the distance the International Space Station orbits Earth in a single day.
Year to date, 294,814 lbs of yarn was used to create luxury carpets.

That’s more weight than 24 adult African Elephants.