Have an artistic idea for your client’s custom rug? Our custom design process is easier than one might think.
Sample/order request is submitted.
Design development begins. In this stage, you’ll review and approve artwork developed based on your concept along with samples of the product to ensure you’re getting what you’ve envisioned.
Our team goes to work on your handmade, custom design.
Easy, right? Here’s more behind-the-scenes detail on how our team works hard to keep this collaborative process effortless and seamless for you.
Your custom yarn has been dyed and spun onto cones and we’ve completed the process of stamping your carpet design onto the monk’s cloth. Next, the yarn and the cloth are married together in our tufting department where the cloth is hung vertically on a frame and the magic begins. Our skilled tufting artisans get to work filling in color and pattern similar to a paint by number.
The tufter uses a single needle tufting gun to sew the yarn through the primary backing. They follow the guidelines of the stamped cloth as well as instructions from our design team and the pile surface appears on the opposite side of the carpet.

Your customer approved sample stays with your carpet throughout the entire production process. While tufting, it’s used as a quality standard for measuring pile, design elements and color placement. Each order is inspected at critical points in the production process to make sure everything complies with the design specifications. Once tufting is complete, the carpet will head over to our shearing department.